A Short Interlude …

Today I managed to really upset another writer. Entirely accidentally. In fact, going through the twitter messages, I still don’t quite see where I managed to hit her somewhere painful, but there you go. I guess that all writers can tend to have soft parts that bruise too easily – but if that’s going to … Continue reading

Where Do Stories Start?

A couple of weeks ago, I was given a firm instruction to write a bit more about the process of writing. So, just for those who asked, here are some more musings on the world of scribbling. Planning a story is a pain. Really, it is. I always characterise my work as being 9/10ths day … Continue reading

Giving Talks

Ok, this is a slight digression. Today I’ve been writing a speech. Only a little one, but it’s one that has to be good, so I’ve been playing around with words, rereading old speeches and trying out new anecdotes. I enjoy giving talks. Which author wouldn’t? We get an audience, we get a fee, we … Continue reading

Planning Not To Plan!

I was talking this morning to my old friend Phillip Gooden, and he mentioned that he was writing a variation to his latest story. ‘You know how it is,’ he said, ‘so often you don’t know how the story will pan out until you actually start it.’ It’s very true. So often aspiring writers will … Continue reading

Trolls and Other Cowards

This has come about because of the really horrible cases of trolls upsetting people last week. Thanks for the inspiration, you sad perverts. For those who didn’t hear about it: over here in the UK some women were attacked on Twitter. There are some pathetic individuals who like to worry or scare people for no … Continue reading