Chronodex from Scription

Yesterday I put up a blogpost that managed to garner some 500 hits in the afternoon, to my surprise. It seems that I’m not the only guy who likes to fiddle and have a new diary format. I did not invent the Chronodex, and so I didn’t want to put up a downloadable version. However, … Continue reading

Rebellion’s Message by Michael Jecks

Originally posted on In Search of the Classic Mystery Novel:
January 1554 and London is in turmoil. Mary I has been on the throne for six months but there are others who wish for a different monarch, one of a less Catholic persuasion, one who isn’t planning on marrying Philip of Spain. Thomas Wyatt is…

Review: ALTAR OF BLOOD by Anthony Riches

I have written before about books arriving when I really don’t need them. So often they are books that are entirely inappropriate. Say a book that is historical, and since I am known as a historical writer, they will send it to me. The trouble is, it’s historical romance, or it’s historical-ish, and has a … Continue reading

Amazon, you hit like a bitch.

Originally posted on The Never Ending Book Basket:
It’s taken me a bit of time to write this post, but I figured it’s about time to share the utter nonsense that’s happened between me and Amazon, and how a company that I once highly respected, has now become one that I have zero respect for.…


There are some tools which make sense to individuals but don’t for other people. I personally love my Apple computers (when they work) and my Nikon DSLR. I adore fountain pens and ink, and I love my Midori – oh, and my strange diary. Years ago when I was a salesman, I used to have a diary. … Continue reading

Act Of Vengeance by Michael Jecks

Originally posted on In Search of the Classic Mystery Novel:
Jack Case. Scavenger. When the Cold War ended, he was superfluous to the needs of British Intelligence, but post 9/11 the rapid need for new recruits led to mistakes being made by those new agents. And someone was needed to clear up after those mistakes…

The Things That Get in the Way!

When the words are flying, writing novels is the best job in the world. Authors live other people’s lives for them. We imagine our own worlds, invent horrible situations and throw our characters (victims) into them. All just to entertain readers. But sometimes the work doesn’t go so well. All writers have their own pet … Continue reading

Writing by talking

Occasionally I get requests for interviews and get books sent through to review. I’m delighted to have Altar of Blood by Anthony Riches, which I’ll have to review very soon. But before that, I managed to get a blog post from a rather remarkable writing duo, AJ MacKenzie. They are the husband and wife team of Marilyn … Continue reading

Blood and Steel

Over the years I’ve worked with many firms that went bust, and it’s horrible, every time. For those who are in there, and feel the earth taken away from under their feet, who feel the embarrassment and fear as they tot up the monthly outgoings and look at the blank sheet of income, it’s much worse than … Continue reading