REVIEW: THE SNIPER by Simon Conway

Published by Hodder and Stoughton for £20 ISBN hardback: 978 1 529 33434 0 Okay, I have waxed lyrical about Simon’s books before. The first of his I read, RAGE, had me entirely engrossed. The next I read was A LOYAL SPY, which cemented his position as a top-flight thriller writer in my view. But … Continue reading

Review: THE FIELDS by Erin Young, published by Hodder & Stoughton April 28th 2022

Review: THE FIELDS by Erin Young, published by Hodder & Stoughton April 28th 2022 ISBN: 978 1529 39755 0 My last review was about a couple of modern day thrillers written by a master of historical Roman warfare. Yet he managed to make the transition seamlessly, and now two superb modern titles by him confirm … Continue reading

Review: MAN ON FIRE by Humphrey Hawksley, published by Severn House

ISBN: 978 0 7278 9034 4 There are some names which are immediately recognisable. When I hear certain names announced on the radio or on my computer, they instantly bring to mind something that makes me stop for a moment. Humphrey Hawksley is one such name. I seem to have known Hawksley for decades. As … Continue reading

Review: THE SABOTEUR, by Simon Conway. published by Hodder and Stoughton.

NOTE: I conducted a short interview with Simon Conway on SHOTS E-ZINE, which you can find here: I hope you enjoy that too! As a reviewer and reader, there are rather few authors whose work I look forward to every year. My old stand-bys like John le Carre and John Gardner, are dead. Other … Continue reading

Review: RED TRAITOR, by Owen Matthews, published by Bantam.

Just recently your reviewer has enjoyed a vast range of different books to read and comment on. The delightful editors of Shots are keeping me busy, thank goodness, because all too often the books sent to me by enthusiastic publicists tend to have got me confused with writers of bodice-rippers and historical romance, rather than … Continue reading

Review: A CURSED PLACE, by Peter Hanington, published by Two Roads, an imprint of John Murray. 

My first reaction? Not good. When I see that someone who has been a BBC journalist for twenty-five years has been published, and that he has wonderful shout lines from Kirsty Wark, Michael Palin, Melvyn Bragg, Allan Little, and a raft of other BBC members of staff or those who are often interviewed by the … Continue reading

Review: The Stranger.

(Hint: buy it now!) THE STRANGER, by Simon Conway, published by Hodder & Stoughton ISBN: 9781529 332100 This is a good time for reviewers, obviously. Not only do we get time to sit back and read, but publishers are keen to send books out with a view to having some form – any form – … Continue reading

Review: THE WANDERER, by Michael Ridpath, published by Corvus Books

ISBN:781782398738 Michael Ridpath is one of those writers who consistently managed thoughtful, entertaining, deeply atmospheric stories. He was originally a bond trader in the City of London, but after eight years and the massively successful thriller FREE TO TRADE, he gave up that job and turned to writing full time. I am very glad he … Continue reading

Review: Origin by Dan Brown, published by Bantam

Review: Origin by Dan Brown, published by Bantam Hardback edition: £20, ISBN 978-0-5930-7875-4 I have had a firm policy for many years not to be rude about other writers’ work. In part it is a principle based on the fact that although I may not like a specific book, other people may well enjoy it. … Continue reading

A Friend’s New Book…

The trials of trying to get a new book published do not grow easier, sadly. This is an article by a friend of mine about her latest book … and the things that can go wrong! ALL YOUR SECRETS I have a new book out. It’s a thriller: ALL YOUR SECRETS. Much like my other … Continue reading